Dhruva Sagar

My perspective on Tech & Software Craftsmanship

Google open sources it’s machine learning system

I am a huge proponent of open source technologies and having worked predominantly in various web technologies in the course of my career, I …

Grow your brain!

Learning is key in brain development. Of course what aspects and how much of brain function improve as a result depends on the mode / type / …

Find huge files in linux

Switching to SSD’s for better performance and compromising on disk space can be a tough decision to make. Though nowadays with the …

Google Code Jam 2014 Qualifiers

Google Code Jam has always been a competition I have cherished, simply because the problems they post are brilliant and the closest to …

VIM Custom TabLine

Hi guys, VIM has an option tabline that one can use to configure how the tab line would look like. Back when I used to use gvim, I could …

Creating Custom Scratch Buffers in VIM

The other day I wanted to open a scratch buffer to write some temporary code and the pass it on to a repl to test it out, the idea was that …

VIM – Filter Quickfix List

If you are used to using the quickfix list in VIM there are times when you want to filter certain things out of the quickfix list to narrow …

VIM – Toggle Ruby Hash Syntax

Ruby 1.9 introduced a new json style ruby hash syntax. Although we can use this to define static hash objects and puts a limitation on the …

VIM for Multiple Projects in separate Tmux windows

My development environment setup consists of several tools, however the 2 most used and essential tools that have a great impact on my …

ActiveRecord like where for array of hashes in ruby

Edit : Updated the code as per the suggestions made by Masklinn. Recently I was working on Issue#1 of my Soulmate Rails gem, which is a very …

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